Il SIGNORE ti benedica e ti protegga!
Il SIGNORE faccia risplendere il suo volto su di te e ti sia propizio!
Il SIGNORE rivolga verso di te il suo volto e ti dia la pace! (Numeri 6:24-26)

Chiesa Evangelica Valdese


Rimini, Romagna e Pesaro-Urbino

25 maggio 2017 - Dante Institut di Edinburg: ruolo delle donne nelle religioni in Italia

In occasione della General Assembly della Church of Scotland che quest'anno avrà come tema del 2017 "le donne nel ministero pastorale", la pastora Giuseppina Bagnato di Rimini è stata indicata quale delegata italiana in Scozia.

Parteciperà dunque ai lavori dal 19 al  26 maggio 2017 e terrà un incontro pubblico presso il Dante Institut di Edinburgo


Giuseppina Bagnato, Waldensian Pastor in Rimini, will offer an interesting insight into the role of women in religion in Italy.

Starting from the issue of patriarchal society and female roles within it, Giuseppina Bagnato will outline the path of women through religions, from a state of invisibility to becoming preachers within the Waldensian Church.


Data: Gio 25 Mag 2017

Orario: Alle 18:00

Organizzato da : Italian Cultural Institute

In collaborazione con : Dante Alighieri Society, Edinburgh

Ingresso : Libero



General Assembly 2017


The Church of Scotland will hold its annual General Assembly from 20-26 May 2017 at the General Assembly Hall on the Mound in Edinburgh.

More than 730 commissioners from congregations across Scotland and beyond will come together to take part in the event, a unique mix of debate, tradition and worship

Over the course of the week they will be joined by more than 150 people from associated partners and other organisations who work with the Church. The public gallery is open each day for any members of the public who are interested in observing the proceedings.

First held in 1560, the General Assembly is the Kirk's highest court, made up of commissioners who are generally ministers, elders and deacons, as well as youth representatives and around 40 international emissaries from partner churches around the globe. The General Assembly considers reports from each of the Church's councils, discusses issues of national and international importance, and makes decisions that help set the Church of Scotland's direction for the coming years.

Decisions made at the General Assembly can have an historic and long-standing impact on the future of the national Church. However, the Church of Scotland values thoughtful, well considered decision making, and seeks consensus whenever possible, so contentious issues are usually debated for several years before a final resolution is reached.

Viale Trento 61
47921 Rimini (RN), Italia
Tel: 331.7107304

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Chiesa Evangelica Valdese:

chiesa valdese rimini